Our Approach


The Family Crisis Center of Baltimore County has been guided by principles derived from the Bowen family systems theory for over 40 years.

We believe that every person is deserving of a life free from violence with opportunities to be self-sufficient and contributing members of society. In families, conflict is part of naturally occurring adaptive processes. When conflict and violence become intense, severe or lasting a long time, individual safety is compromised, the family capacity is undermined and functioning is interrupted. Individual and family functioning is only understood in the context in which it emerges so it remains important to to examine, understand and address underlying challenges within the system that inhibit family adaptation.

Families can begin to move forward in their lives when the family is able to be safe, identify family goals and develop capacity to begin to work toward family goals. Finding a way of reducing or eliminating the conflict and violence often takes considerable time and effort from one or more family members. It is only after the intensity of conflict and violence decreases that family members can begin to address other factors and forces in the family that have promoted and sustained the conflict and violence.

At the Family Crisis Center of Baltimore County we believe that each family has the ability to identify and move toward better solutions that makes sure every individual in the family is safe, stable and able to live free from violence. Our job is to provide a thoughtful engagement with each individual in the family to promotes the family’s ability to be resilient and move boldly forward.